Business Solutions

Hong Kong SME Commerce Centre
Enterprise Solutions Consultant Service
The Tang Dynasty Package ($12,000)
1. Specialist Report (Solution)
2. Professional Advice (24 hours)
3. Financial (Asset) Suggestions
The Song Dynasty Package ($33,000)
1. Specialist Report (Solution)
2. Professional Advise with handle the formalities
3. Reorganize Finance (assets)
The Yuan Dynasty Package ($68,000)
1. Specialist Report (Solution)
2. Specialist handle case (including investigating adversary)
3. Movement Assets Advise
The Ming Dynastey Package ($100,000)
1. Specialist Report (Solution)
2. Reorganize overseas company assets
3. Overseas properties trustee
4. Movement Assets Advise
5. Omnidirectional information management (Investigation)
6. Specialist handle case
7. Security (Bodyguard) Advise report